PerfectXL.Rubberduck 0.1.0

Lightweight version of Rubberduck, rewritten in .NET Standard
This is a new version of the view package page, introduced in ProGet 5.3. If it's missing any functionality, you can still view the old version.


Name Version
Antlr4.Runtime 4.6.6 ≤ x
Moq 4.18.4 ≤ x
NLog 5.1.4 ≤ x
System.Collections.Immutable 1.7.1 ≤ x
System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager 4.7.0 ≤ x
System.Drawing.Common 4.7.3 ≤ x
System.IO.Abstractions 17.0.18 ≤ x